Posts Tagged ‘Turkish pide’

Artisan Schmartisan. Bread Quackery, 2010

This Saturday promised to be a big day at the Athens Farmers Market so I took my triple stack of pizza ovens for a spin. They hummed all night long, taking only 9 hours to bake over 400 loaves.

This time cooking not only breads, but fougasse (French flatbreads), ladder bread, pizza al taglio, na’an, stuffed fougasse, Afgani Bolani, Turkish pide, pizza Margherita, ghost chili pizza (the hottest chili known) and lots of loaves of Italian ciabatta turned into two “Sang-wich” forms: one with fresh mozzarella, fresh basil (some call a Caprese sandwich,) and the first of this year’s best tomatoes topped with extra virgin olive oil and Trapani sea salt; the other with a teriyaki-braised pancetta, cilantro, fresh spinach and Italian Prosciutto crudo.

Because of the absence of the locally aged cheddar this week, I had to lean heavily on imported Gruyere, Fontina, Asiago and a Mozzarella Provolone mix.

All of my breads were baked with either organic whole wheat, organic all-purpose or “All Trumps” flour. I used a major pre-ferment as approximately 60 to 80 percent of any single batch, depending upon the flavor profile (or items kneaded into the dough.) The pre-ferment was started with 6-day old pizza dough, mixed with a poolish of whole wheat and high gluten.

You may notice my reference (in the video) to Antoine-Augustin Parmentier. He was not only the person who started the first smallpox vaccinations under Napoleon, but brought into France the use of the potato for food. The potato was first introduced in Europe in 1640 and was only used as pig food. In 1748, the French Parliment acutally banned the use of the potato, reacting to the widespread rumor that it cause leprosy. By 1772, Mr. Parmentier got the Paris Academy of Medicine to declare the potato edible.

Thanks for the help of Patty Nally, who comes in at 6 a.m. and assembles all the sandwiches, makes pizzas and puts up with a spastic guy who’s been baking all night. Joel Fair also helps me until the wee hours of the morning. He is the na’an master and helps me blast throught all the fougasse. Others who start the whole process from Tuesday on are Matt, John Mitchell and the management staff at Avalanche Pizza.

I hope to see you all at next Saturdays market with even more bread, (we sold out an hour early.) I promise to have some curry bread, brioche and pissaladiere.

Semper Pie,

John Gutekanst

Bakesgiving for Our Athens Community

At 6 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning, Avalanche Pizza had a line out the door, as the people of this community showed their support for a great cause. When I looked at these just-awakened bread buyers standing in the drizzle, I said, “Crap! I forgot the coffee!” Regardless, we baked breads through sunrise and into the afternoon until we ran out at noon.

This is Avalanche Pizza’s third year of baking for Thanksgiving  to benefit United Appeal of Athens County. All the proceeds of the 500-plus loaves of bread and rolls will go to support this non profit. Athens County is poor, the food pantries are barren and the charitable organizations are stretched to the limit. Funds are so low in our  area that even the Athens Library is now closed on Mondays because of State mandated cuts. Luckily, some awesome neighbors stepped up to donate over $2000 to a good cause.

Someone who continually helps those in need is Pam Harvey, executive director of United Appeal. She directs UA’s assistance to these local agencies; Athens County Food Pantry, American Red Cross, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Appalacian Community Hospice and Appalacian Visiting Nurses, Family Healthcare Service, The Gathering Place, Girl Scouts, Habitat for Humanity, HAVAR Inc., Retired Seniors Program, Athens County Mental Health and Counseling Program, Housing for Athens Seniors Program, and the Athens County 211 Program.

Pam and United Appeal board member Aaron Thomas (shout out to his awesome business, Class A Sounds) helped us bake the night away the night before. Robin Barnes from Power 105 reminded people all morning of the bread sale, which increased traffic tremendously.

My General Manager Joel Fair was, as usual, the bread baking afficionado who cranked the ovens up and didn’t miss a beat. Patty Nally came in extra early to add her expertise to all the breads and was there for the point of sale.

I am proud to be a member of a community that showed so much support, especially in these trying finacial times. Thank you to all who contributed.