In August, I recieved a request from a soldier in the 101st Airborne stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. He was raised here in Athens and was a big fan of Avalanche Pizza. His team was heading to Afghanistan within 10 days and he wanted to know if we’d send him some pizzas.
I really didn’t know how to ship 20 to 30 pizzas, so I contacted Belle Cancellare at Diagnostic Hybrids to see if she could help. Belle and all the gracious people at this company didn’t think twice about dropping everything and helping out. I was stunned.
When I arrived at Diagnostic Hybrids with my frozen pizzas, I met some recently-returned veterans who enthusiatically helped to pack up pizzas up in giant boxes with tons of dry ice. I gotta tell you that I was sincerely bowled over by the goodwill exhibited during this project.
Sgt. Evener has contacted me recently. Because they left the morning after the Kansas pizza party for busy operations in Afghanistan, he has been unable to send the pizza party pictures. I will post them as soon as I get them.
Let’s all hope these great Americans stay safe over there. Meanwhile here are two links about the event: