Archive for the ‘Pizza and Bread Stories’ Category

Winter Baking at Athens Farmers Market

rib bread

This Baby Back Batard, (above) with Gruyere, carmelized onions, BBQ,  and fresh spinach is always a big hit….and comes with a handle!

Here is a four minute clip of some baking Dane, Joel and I had done a few weeks back. Included are some cool fougasse, focaccia, batards, baguettes and of course pizza. I hope you like it.

2015 fall 540ii

I continue to work with the perennial wheatgrass developed by the Land Institute called Kernza. Here is a Kernza pizza with Parmigiano Reggiano, fresh mozzarella, fresh basil and San Marzano filets with olive oil and sea salt.  Perennials like this are gonna save the world!

(Any references to my Baking Manager Dane having leprosy came from a joke I had with Jonah the previous week- I warned Jonah not to laugh if Dane accidently lost a finger or nose. Boy these kids have long memories. jeeeez.)

Aprils Showers bring May Baking

april 2015 131iiapril 2015 148ii


Those are the two words I mutter when I finally load the car up to leave the Athens Farmers Market every Saturday. It only takes me a few hours to sell over 400 loaves of bread, pizza, fougasse, Turkish-style pide, na’an, baguette, boule, ciabatta and everything in between. I am a real lucky guy to have a community that embraces wild and wonderful foods including as many local products as my farmer friends can throw at me. I also couldn’t do this without my baking buddies Torrey Evans, Jeremy Sykes, Joel Fair and David Valentine. Here are some pics of the stuff we bake.

april 2015 136ii

A fairly insane caul fat-wrapped batard with fresh herbs and bacon. A heart healthy log of pork goodness! Just heat and gorge.

may 2015 772ii

Some wonderous sourdough that Torrey Baked.

may 2015 226ii may 2015 225ii

Asparagus season is here with my crunchy and delicious asparagus stuffed fougasse with a chickpea pudding, ramps and a local Integration Acres aged goat cheddar cheese.

may 2015 194iiAdd to that some long fougasse filled with basil, cumin and bacon and topped with Asiago cheese.

may 2015 200iiAdd to that the Bumble Bee Batard stuffed with a cool potato pudding- coming up in another post…enough already, check out the videos below.

Here are a few videos of the last months baking. Please remember, I am usually addled by the previous 12 hours of baking frenzy…not the best time to turn on the personality but I make up for it with the male and female strippers at the end of the video…Booya!

