Posts Tagged ‘agamemnon’

The Agamemnon — Now That’s a Big Pie!

So, there I was. I cooked a pizza for my youngest son’s Valentine’s celebration at pre-school. As I took it to my four-door Nissan sedan, I realized I could not get it in. “Damn Agamemnon,” I said.

Pizza is not only the subject of my blog, but it is my life: traditional, Italian, French, Turkish, Lebanese and even Chinese pizza. I love the fact that I can support my family creating pizza and stuffed breads for my customers using grains, cheeses, cheese and protein from far away or just down the street.

That said, the bulk of the pizzas my company created last year are made in pans, the old fashioned way. They contain combinations using our organic pizza sauce on the 30 specialty pies on my menu or any funky combinations from the 53 toppings on our list. This year, my General Manager Joel Fair and I wanted to make something big.

Enter Agamemnon.  Here Joel makes one here from scratch for you.

I initaially put a bounty on the best name for this 28-inch pizza, but after two weeks and names like the “Osama Bin Laden” and the “Your Mom” (which I thought was very witty), I decided to name it after a Greek General killed by his wife.

Now it’s time to eat, and eat, and eat, and eat, and eat….